How to Calculate the Viscosity Index of a Lubricant

by | Articles, Lubricants


Calculating a lubricant’s Viscosity Index (VI) requires understanding how the viscosity changes with temperature. The VI is a numerical value that indicates how stable a lubricant’s viscosity is with temperature changes. A higher VI means the lubricant maintains its viscosity better across a range of temperatures, which is desirable in many applications, such as engines or hydraulic systems.

Viscosity Index Calculation 

To calculate the Viscosity Index, we use the ASTM D2270 method, which involves the following steps:

  1. Measure the Kinematic Viscosity at 40°C (KV40): This is the lubricant’s viscosity at a standard temperature of 40°C. The unit is usually centistokes (cSt).
  2. Measure the Kinematic Viscosity at 100°C (KV100): Similarly, measure the viscosity at 100°C. This provides insight into how the viscosity changes with a higher temperature.
  3. Determine L and H:
    • L is the viscosity at 40°C of a reference oil with the same viscosity at 100°C as the lubricant in question but with a VI of 0.
    • H is the viscosity at 40°C of another reference oil with the same viscosity at 100°C as the lubricant in question but with a VI of 100.
  4. Use the VI Calculation Formula:
    • For lubricants with a KV100 less than or equal to 70 cSt, the formula is:

    • For lubricants with a KV100 greater than 70 cSt, the formula is slightly adjusted to account for higher viscosity oils:

How Viscosity Behaves: The Honey Analogy

Think of viscosity like the thickness of honey. At room temperature, honey flows slowly, but if you heat it, it flows more easily. If you cool it down, it can almost become solid. The Viscosity Index is like a measure of how much the honey’s thickness changes with temperature.

  • Low VI: Imagine a honey that becomes very runny when warmed and very thick when cooled. It’s inconsistent.
  • High VI: Now, picture honey that is nearly the same thickness, whether slightly warm or cool. This honey has a high VI.

When calculating the VI:

  • L is like a very thin honey that would behave similarly at 100°C but is extremely runny at 40°C.
  • H is a thicker honey that behaves similarly at 100°C but is not as runny at 40°C.

The calculation determines where your specific lubricant sits between these two extremes.

Applying the Formula: A Viscosity Index Calculation Example

Suppose you have a lubricant with:

  • KV40 = 150 cSt
  • KV100 = 15 cSt

Let’s say, for this lubricant:

  • L = 200 cSt (reference oil with VI = 0 at 100°C)
  • H = 120 cSt (reference oil with VI = 100 at 100°C)

Plug these into the formula for a KV100 ≤ 70 cSt:

So, the VI is approximately 63, indicating a moderate temperature-dependent change in viscosity.

Key Concepts to Understand Before Diving In

To fully grasp this, you should be comfortable with the following concepts:

  1. Kinematic viscosity (understanding cSt and how it is measured).
  2. Logarithms and their use in the alternative VI formula (for high-viscosity oils).
  3. Temperature effects on fluid dynamics (how viscosity generally decreases with increasing temperature).

How Viscosity Index Improvers Stabilize Lubricants Across Temperatures

Viscosity Index Improvers (VIIs) are additives used in lubricants to enhance viscosity stability across various temperatures. The polymers thicken the lubricant at higher temperatures without significantly affecting its low-temperature viscosity. This allows it to perform optimally in cold start-up conditions and high operating temperatures.

Think of VIIs as an “adaptive” honey, and imagine honey that automatically thickens just the right amount when it’s hot but doesn’t get too thick when it’s cool. VIIs achieve this by expanding their molecular structure as temperatures rise, increasing the lubricant’s resistance to flow, and contracting at lower temperatures, ensuring the lubricant remains fluid enough to circulate efficiently. The adaptability helps maintain the lubricant’s protective properties.
